Yes, some delicious PZ action tonight. My main strategy was:
1. 7 pool
2. Cripple opponents
3. ???
4. Profit!
Step 3 was where step 4 tended to not happen if step 2 didn't cripple them enough. Or outright kill them. This is how our placement went.
Game 1 - Monkeez (T) and Likwid (P) on High Orbit
Go look up High Orbit and take a look at the ramp on it. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Why the fuck do terran players consistently try to wall this massive fucking ramp off? Seriously. You are never going to wall that off in time to defend most anything, and even if you do, one good set of banelings and you're doomed anyways. Perhaps a TT pair could wall it off in tandem, but that's so inefficient.
I almost wonder if they stop once they get their hard-coded 2 depots and a barracks there because their mind is trained to build those any time they see the word zerg. Or if it's because that's when my lings hit and they usually die.
PEG scouted the wrong ramp. Good going. My rush started across the map right at the 3 minute mark. They died quickly. 1-0!
Game 2 - Kreemation (Z) and Ripewater (T) on Ruins of Tarsonis
Rush hit on near-perfect timing (although I did make one mistake which delayed it by a few seconds). Forced the terran to send his SCVs, he lost them all but I wasn't quite able to kill him before I was forced out by lings. PEG started going for stargate, I started teching towards mutas. Knowing the terran was cripped and wasn't going to be able to tech for quite a while, we took our naturals while I at the same time put down a baneling nest.
Terran rather bafflingly went for a planetary at their main instead of an orbital. This is good because I was going mutas + banelings and PEG was going void rays + chargelots. The banelings would take out any terran infantry + lings, the chargelots would take down any marauders + turrets, then the air would swoop in and take out the planetary.
When our push went across the map to take out the terran, PEG's supply was at 115 and my supply was at 92. The opposing Z's supply was at 58 and the T's supply was at 44.
This couldn't possibly go well for them at all.
I admit that in my "well there are turrets there that is bad" reaction, I may have slipped a bit in my grammatical structure that is normally spot-on during heavy micro situations when I should be paying more attention to what's going on. PEG went off to go do some macro things and wasn't paying attention, leaving me to spout what will inevitably be a new catchphrase, "get the turretz".
But I had enough mutas to take down the turretz anyways. And then OH NO THE OTHER ZERG HAD MUTAS TOO!
So that's how that one ended. 2-0!
Game 3 - Math (P) and Raven (P) on Khaydarin Depths
Allow me to tell you something neat.
One of these guys (Raven) is a master league 1v1 player, and a diamond league 2v2 player. The other (Math) was diamond league 1v1 last season. So you can see how this is going to go already, I would imagine.
Both of them proxy gated us. Had I just run to their bases with my lings and killed a good number of their probes off, we probably would have been fine.
Guess what I didn't do. 2-1!
Game 4 - Liviana (P) and wilsonusopen (Z) on Khaydarin Depths
I hate this fucking map. wilsonusopen is currently 12th place in his 1v1 master league division, and is a platinum 2v2er.
PEG decided to try DT rushing this game to continue our all cheese all the time strategy. I'm thinking that the optimal strategy as a whole for us is (if I insist on going 7 pool all the time, which I do because 2v2 is my funtimes and it is extremely satisfying) for him to 4 gate, but that's something to figure out later.
I realize now that attempting to 7 pool someone who is way, way, way, way, way better than I am was always doomed to failure. And I couldn't get up the toss ramp because it had cannons on it.
So yeah, suddenly there were 19 million billion speedlings eating us alive. 2-2!
Game 5 - CrisisManMSP (P) and Skyler (T) on High Orbit
We went with the necessary overreaction to the past two games by having PEG go with a forge opening to get some cannons to defend our ramp with while I once again had all the fun.
We then proceeded to play really, really poorly. The replay will speak for itself, but highlights include the really, really awful timing attack wherein PEG ran ahead and I got distracted by something shiny and forgot I was supposed to be sending my lings too.
Mass carriers aren't fun. 2-3!
So we got placed in bronze which is kind of neat because we'll likely be high bronze if not silver soon enough, and I ended my 2v2 day rather happy with how well things went. I rather like 2v2 - if anyone wants to partner up with me sometime and isn't already friends with me, add me and leave your name + numberthing in the comments.
Just as long as you don't mind me 6 pooling.
2v2 Stats so far:
vs PT - 1-1
vs TZ - 1-0
vs PP - 0-1
vs ZP - 0-1
with PEG - 2-3
High Orbit - 1-1
Khaydarin Depths - 0-2
Ruins of Tarsonis - 1-0
In addition, here is the replay pack of the first 3 days of this experience, plus a bonus one of me vs PEG from a few days ago.
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